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Sun safety for your hands

With the ongoing hot weather this summer, we should all be staying safe in the sun. The SunSmart message of slip, slop, slap, seek and slide protects us from skin cancer but what about those moments where you don’t think you could get burnt. Such as a long drive in the sun travelling home after holidays. Or the hours fishing from your tinnie. Your hands receive just as much exposure to UVA and UVB rays during these activities and can become sunburnt quite quickly.

It may not be fashionable anymore to wear gloves while driving, but perhaps we should consider it. Just look at the effects of extended exposure to these hands.

Sunburn damages both the epidermis and dermis. UVB rays cause the skin damage associated with sunburn, but the more dangerous UVA rays are what is associated with cell damage and cancer. Broad spectrum sunscreens protect against both.

Sun gloves could be the difference for those who are in the sun for long periods. They come in many styles and with options for particular sporting activities like fishing.

But as always, it may be best to minimise exposure, seek shade and remember the sunscreen to enjoy your summer!

Hand & Wrist

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